Sunday, March 1, 2015

Thai one dish recipes Khao-Neua-Ob

Rice-Toppd with beef

500g beef fillet
5 cloves garlic,peeled
1/4 cup light soy sauce 
300 g young tops chinese kale,vegetable oil
1/4 cup oyster sauce
1/2 tablespoon white peppercorns
1-2 sticks cinnamon 

Wash the beef well, then cut lengthwise into desired pieces-not
too small.
2.In a mortar,finely poundly together the garlics and peppercorns,
then mix with the beeves.Add the light soy sauce,Dark soy sauce and oyster
sauce.Let to marinate for 30 minutes.
3.Heat the oil in a frying pan just to cover the beeves,using a moderate heat
Deep-fry until the beevesare golden-cooked on both sides.Add water to cover the beeves.
Simmer over a lovw heat until tender.Put in the cinnamons:continue to simmer
until the liquid is almost dried. remove from the heat.

4.Rinse well the kales, then saute with garlics until briefly-cooked. Rmove from the heat .Dish up and set aside
5.Spoon the cooked rice onto the serving plates.Arrange the beeves on tops, then follow with the kales.Dine with fish sauce
mixed with sliced small hot chillies.

Thai one fish recipes

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